Recovering from Postpartum Depression…

Motherhood, a beautiful and enjoyable phase in every women’s life. A women goes through many pain emotionally as well as physically to bring a child into this world. There are many women who goes through depression in the first year of child birth, these depression are often called postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a depression where people are affected by mood disorders after the child is born. Some of the symptoms of postpartum depression includes lower energy, anxiety, sadness, irritation, crying and changes in eating and sleeping pattern. Every year 15% of women are affected by this in the world. The cause of this issue is unclear, but the possibility is that it can be because of the combination of physical and emotional factors the mother goes through.

Sometimes mental illness cannot be seen in people like physical illness hence it is often unnoticed, and ignored. 1 in 8 women are affected by postpartum depression, and remember it can affect the newborn as well. When the child notices the mother being sad and depressed, it can cause the child to become sad too which affects them mentally as well as emotionally. There are some mother who thinks their love for child is not there when they are affected by such illness, but remember every mother loves their child the most and you are not the only one to get affected by such illness. Postpartum depression must be treated as early as possible because if we leave it without treating it, then the risk factor is high where one can develop chronic depressive disorder.

Firstly, it is important to engage yourself in praying. God is always there to listen to us. Pray to god and everything gets better and you will heal yourself. Get Help! There is nothing wrong in getting help when you are affected by it. Speak to your family. Family plays an important role in everyone life, and surely they will help you overcome it. Having a child is the joyous moment, and as a mother you have to go through the pain, and with family support, you will feel better. Your family will be the one who will hold you and say they are there for you through out. Speak with your family members. Meet a doctor. Do not wait for it to get better by its own, meet a doctor as soon as possible and speak about your symptoms. Share your feelings, and talk about it to those you are close with.

Pamper yourself and participate in activities that interests you. Take participate in outdoor activities and go out for a fresh air. Dieting plays an important role when it comes to getting better. With proper dieting, and exercise one can over come depression. Eat healthy and a balanced diet, and drink plenty of water. Walk at least 30 minutes a day and exercise, this can also boost your self esteem. Eating right can also help you get fit which may help you get more confidence within you. Always remember, its on your hands whether to hold on and let go of a problem. As a human, it is our right to talk about postpartum depression, because many does not talk about this issue. When an educated person talks about these issues to the world, together we can build a better environment for those who are struggling with such illness, always remember mental illness can be cured when we all work together to make a better environment, and make the women to enjoy the best phase of life, Motherhood! Lets all appreciate the newborn mothers and show them all the pain worth it when they see their baby.


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