What to do when you are heartbroken and depressed!

We all have different emotions on different times. What is on our heart, shows us the emotion whether it is happiness, sadness, sorrows, joys, love and many more. Sometimes, the sad emotions we face often leads to depression and heartbreaks. So, have you ever been heart broken and depressed? I am sure many would say yes since we deal with emotions day by day. When you are heartbroken and depressed you can follow these simple steps which will make you feel better and move on.

Accept what have happened and do not lie to others and be honest to understand the situation. Sometimes, we may not admit what have happened but that will make the things worse, so accept the facts and realize them. There are times where crying will actually help to get better, but once you are done crying do not repeat it. Make sure not to cry in public places, cry when alone or with a close friend. It is surely a healthy way to express your feelings and there is nothing wrong in crying. A positive thought can make all the negative thoughts to vanish. Stay positive, love those who loves you. Smile often and be positive which will give you confidence about yourself. Sometimes, thinking positively about yourself will make situation much better.

Talk to someone who you trust. Express your feelings. Letting go of your emotions will make things better and it lightens your heart. Find an activity to take part on whether if  you like going to gym? Do you like exploring outdoors? Then, find what interests you and enjoy. Taking part in a activity will make things right. When you get into new ideas, you spend more time looking for ideas to explore which will reduce your stress level and make you much in to your passion. Focusing on your passion will not only make you move on from the pressure but also will make you a better person who have achieved in your career as well.

They say be a better person, but in order to be one, you have understand the situation. Understand that everything happens for a reason and something better is coming up in your ways. The truth is, almost everyone we meet disappoint us but when you are in pain, you understand who truly loves you. Love yourself, be yourself, smile often, and definitely do not trust everyone easily. Remember, what you are going through is preparing yourself to be a better version of yourself.

Let go of what is bothering you, and prepare yourself to achieve your tasks. Spend more times with family and friends and laugh a lot. When you achieve your goals, everything will come to you on the right time. Its easy to say, move on, but when you do, then everything will surely become better. Depression and heartbreaks are common, try to move on, and get the better vision of the world to see you more about yourself because your happiness is much important.

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