The Only way to start being happy

Happiness, is something we all strive for in our life, but life always have a different plan. We may be happy one day or sad the other day. We may suffer a lot one day, and feel like we have everything the next day. Life is all about facing both pain and pleasure. Whatever happens, we should have the courage to face the issues and Overcome our difficulties. We may feel that life is unfair to us and sometimes we also feel that why everything happens for me alone? but the fact is you are not alone.

When you face so much of an issue, people are easy to judge you. People keeps judging you and make you feel depressed in the name of advices. They can advise you as much as they can but it is your life and only you know what you went through in your life, they may hear some of your stories, but surely they didn’t live your story with you, so when they act as if they knew everything and give you the advice, simply thank them for their time that they focused on your life, and move on. People can choose to keep talking, but its not every time that you need to listen to them, its up to you to choose to ignore them.

Every pain you faced, is making you a more matured person in your life. Everyone in facing their own battle some through work pressure and some through family pressure. Everyone is facing something which you have no idea about. People be like, this person is happy all the time and is very lucky, but see deep inside, that person will be going through something which they couldn’t even share with their closed ones. One thing I want to tell is that Please do not judge anyone and please do not hurt anyone without knowing the whole story.

Life is unpredictable, no matter how many sadness one face, but definitely soon the happy moments will come. Every sadness you faced become happiest treasure for you. Give some more time to life, and the problems you face will vanish and give you peaceful times. Whatever happens, choose to be happy, live happily, and make peace within yourself. Firstly, you need to trust yourself before anyone can. The more you trust yourself, the more you will have the courage to face the world that is trying to bring you down. Believe and have faith, and trust me it will do wonders in your life. Remember, you will loose only if you believe you have lost. Have confidence and always hope that you will win in your life.

Everyone faces their own battle, so the maximum we can do is smile at each other and spread positivity to everyone we meet. Live your best life and you will get everything you need in your life. The more time it takes to get success, the more you will cherish when it comes. Know your worth, you will get every happiness as long as your intentions are pure. The only way to live your life is to start being happy.

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