Everyone is interested on Social media in their life. People use social media everyday and some are even addicted to it. Some earn from them and some uses them for fun. One point or other, many people like youngsters are addicted to Social medias. It is never bad to use social networking sites, but people should know to manage the time wisely, but instead many are spending too many times on it and eventually forgetting their duty. Social medias are making students to earn lesser marks. Sometimes, we often see people posting about their personal life which is indirectly affects their privacy. Everything is becoming status update these days, For instance, a person’s favorite food, relationships, family, and EVERYTHING is a status update for many youngsters.
Social media is an amazing place to express your thoughts and opinions, but sometimes it is becoming more of a personal conversation place where closed ones speaks to each other publicly than on private message. Social medias should be used as a place where people express their social views. Youngsters should be using less time on Social medias and concentrate more on their life. Youngsters these days are very much busy with memes, jokes and trolls on social networks like Facebook, twitter, and Instagram. There are people who are very much interested on fighting as well in Social medias for their favorite celebrity. Everything is beautiful in life when they are used correctly and Social medias should be used that way which can make you and your people to smile.
Cyber bullying is increasing these days and many people like school children, young girls and women are being affected by the online attacks which leads to huge tensions, Problems and in some cases, Victim have even went on for suicide which gives a huge pain to themselves as well as others. Anyone can write anything anonymously but many are struggling because of this. Social medias also affect the mental health of a person by making them addicted to it and even lets you to compare your life with others. It also makes us spend more time on our phone than spending time with those people who are next to us.
Social medias are amazing as well as useful, and they help you to spend your time when you are bored. Social medias lets you be in touch with people. It helps you to promote your business and other important things, but Sometimes social medias can be very addictive and even spoil your time and health. It is very important to use social media less in order to save our self from the effects, You can Love Social medias, but don’t love it more than you love your life. Life is precious, so use it wisely and be happy.