Life is very short to hold Grudges

Life is simple and sweet, but sometimes we humans make it too complicated and suffer everyday in silence. Sometimes some people may have wronged us and made us emotionally weak, and some people tend to hold grudges on others and feel miserable. Never hold grudge on other people because it will not only harm others but also will harm your happiness, independence as well as emotions.

Life is a combination of both sweet and sour experience. Be happy with your sweet experience and learn from your sour experience. Live life with no regrets. We never know what happens in life but how we react to it is more important. Some people gives us beautiful memories which we must cherish throughout life and some people will give us memories that we can never even think about for a second. When such memories aries, people will eventually hold grudge on those people but holding grudges can only make both your life unhappy.

Do not break your relationship with others for few faults. Not everyone is perfect. Accept other people mistakes because even you and me makes mistake on our daily life. Ignore people when they keep doing worse things for you and be with people who spread positivity on your life. Keep people close to your heart if you feel positive vibe in them.

There are no permanent feeling in this temporary world, hence do what makes you happy. Be with those who bring the best in you.Learn to forgive others and be happy with what you have. Not everyone has what you are having so thank God for your blessings. Life is very short to hold grudges. Live and let others to live as well. Life is sweet, so cherish every happy moments.

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