Forgiveness After Betrayal!

Betrayal is one of the worst pain a person may go through. The pain from betrayal is worst than physical pain. The pain of betrayal makes you feel alone and you may not be sure what to do after a person betrays you. This is where you should believe in god and pray. There are million ways to make the person who betrayed you feel below than you, and the first way for that is Forgiveness. No body is perfect in this world. Every one have done mistakes. Some mistakes are small while the others are big. Everyone must understand that forgiving is the best solution to solve the problem that some one have done in order to save the relationship. Its not that you cannot live without forgiving, its just that you can live in peace by forgiving.

By Forgiving someone you will get 3 things: Relationship Repair where you don’t have to loose them, Personal healing which makes you feel better and Restoration of trust where you can trust them again.

How to Forgive Someone who betrays you: Let God take care of it, do not get angry on them, control your emotions, stay Calm, never beg that person to stay, let them go, walk away from them, think no evil of it and no need to take revenge, learn the lesson. 

 If you forgive a person then you don’t have to hold a grudge on them which will make you feel better as a person. Forgiving someone who betrayed you will give peace to you and your heart. Cry out loud. Share with your close people. Ask god for strength. Concentrate more on other things and makes sure you set a goal for yourselves. God knows everything. Pray good for those who betrayed you as well. 

  Keep telling yourself that everyone makes mistake and that you are mature enough to forgive them. Forgive them because you deserve peace. Nothing can be a better punishment to those who betrays you than forgiveness. No matter what they have done, it would be so nice of you to forgive them. Forgiving someone shows the beauty of your character. As days passes by, all the pain will vanish. Even if they don’t feel sorry, forgive them. Show them love even if they show hatred. Forgiving makes you live a long and happy life. Your enemy may not deserve to be forgiven for all the pain and sadness they purposely gave you, but you are deserved to be free from those evil. Hate is a strong word, so please don’t use that. Stay happy, that’s the best revenge you can do. What they did to you is about them and never about you. Forgiveness is a choice, so make a choice of it and live your life happily. 


2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I really feel happy to see nice article. We should learn from this. Forgiveness is great deed in islam and bring happiness in our life.

  • Beautifully saidTo forgive one is better than revenge and holding grudge. Truth always Triumphs!

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