Comparison: Pain of a Human

People are so quick to judge you and make you feel less important. No matter what you do, you will never be good enough for people. The more you come up in life, the more people will try to bring you down. When you face criticism from people, it is important to handle them successfully than being sad about it. When people think you have achieved more than them, that is when they will try to make you feel sad by comparing you with others and make you feel depressed.

Stop comparing yourself with other people because everyone has a different life and different struggles. When you compare yourself with others, you will feel less self confident which can make you less motivated on your work. The more you compare yourself, the more hurt you will go through. Always remember, we are all human and we all make mistakes, but if you keep comparing your life to others, it is where you will have a feeling in yourself that you are not good enough.

There are people in everyday life who will compare you with others and make you depressed. The hurt one gets through comparision is really huge because it shows how one person is making you feel lesser than the other. We are all humans and we are all equal, so it doesnt matter what they say or do, there is always a special uniqueness in you. Always count your blessings, the more happy you are, the more people will try to ruin your happiness, but never give them the choice, always believe that you are the best in your own way and leave the rest to God.

People use comparision as a weapon when they cannot get the things you have. All their motivation will be to make you sad. When you get sad, they will have the satisfaction of making you sad and become happy for it. Therefore, always remember, when they start to compare you and make you feel less, that is when you know for sure that you are doing better than them. Always take comparison as motivation, the more motivated you are, the more success you will get in your life. Keep working hard and you will feel happy as well as stressfree and then you can have the life you wish to have.

No matter how good you are, there will always be people who will try to pull you down and make you feel lesser important. When people wish to see things to go wrong for you, you can eventually understand that nothing is going right for them, hence they use the tool which is comparision to make things go wrong for you as well. When you start to give time to such negativity, you cannot achieve to be positive in your life. Hence, Start to live a positive life, and be happy with everything you have. The more positive and thankful you are to your life, the more happy and positive your life becomes.

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