Tag - women empowerment

The Only way to start being happy

Happiness, is something we all strive for in our life, but life always have a different plan. We may be happy one day or sad the other day. We may suffer a lot one day, and feel like we have everything the next day. Life is all about facing both pain and pleasure. Whatever happens, we should have the courage to face the issues and Overcome our difficulties. We may feel that life is unfair to us and sometimes we also feel that why everything happens for me alone? but the fact is you are not alone. When you face so much of an issue, people...

The Phenomenal Women

Women, a person who we all need. She is the mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Friend. She is a multi talented, and sometimes, in some places, till now women are not getting needed recognition they deserve. Its important to know all the values women has and moreover it is needed to appreciate them for everything they do to you. Women are definitely equal to men and they have various commitments in life like taking care of their family, and there are many women who goes to work as well to support their family’s financial needs. To the...