Tag - postpartum depression

A Journey to Healing from Postpartum Depression: Overcoming postpartum depression

The journey into motherhood is a profound experience that encompasses joy, love, and the promise of new beginnings. However, for some women, the path is clouded by the shadows of postpartum depression (PPD). Emerging from the depths of PPD requires courage, support, and a commitment to healing. In this blog post, we will explore the steps to healing from postpartum depression, offering guidance and hope to those who may be navigating this challenging journey. 1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: The first step on the road to healing is...

Tips for New Mothers to Overcome Postpartum Depression

Depression is something we all go through in our life, and some depressions are long term while some are short term. Many new mothers and fathers goes through postpartum depression which is very normal and curable. During and after pregnancy, your body and mind go through lots of changes which make you feel depressed. Let us go through Postpartum depression in detail and find proper cure to make you feel better and happy. Postpartum is the time after Childbirth. Usually women may feel pain, sad, or anxious after childbirth and usually it...

Recovering from Postpartum Depression…

Motherhood, a beautiful and enjoyable phase in every women’s life. A women goes through many pain emotionally as well as physically to bring a child into this world. There are many women who goes through depression in the first year of child birth, these depression are often called postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a depression where people are affected by mood disorders after the child is born. Some of the symptoms of postpartum depression includes lower energy, anxiety, sadness, irritation, crying and changes in eating...