Tag - life

To Forgive And Forget!

In life, everything happens for a reason and sometimes it is hard to heal from it. There are people who breaks us into pieces and acts as if everything was your fault. In such cases, remember you know who you are, and what your intentions are, take a deep breathe, every problem has a solution. People may wrong you, but remember no body is perfect, we all commit mistakes, and what matters the most is if you correct your mistakes, so give them a chance, and if they change then you will have a person for life, if they do not change then you will...

Top 10 Things You Must Do To Live Your Life Positively

Life is very short. There should be no space for hate, negativity because they will not let you to be peaceful. It is important to live your life happily as well as positively. Being positive builds a person and his character. We have only one life, and you need to live it as positively and happily and set yourself as a guide to the younger generations. Here are the top 10 things you can do to live your best life, staying happy and positive. Spend Time With Your Loved Ones: There are two types of people we must spend our time with, one...

The Complete Guide to Understand your Emotions.

Hello everyone, Emotions plays an important role in our daily life. Sometimes when we are happy, we finish a huge task as quick as possible and sometimes when our mood is not well, then even going for a walk seems like a toughest task. Our emotions basically control everything about us. Emotions also affect the relationship with others. Its because of your emotions sometimes you look sad when you supposed to smile. The emotions control you and sometimes it makes you look unbalanced with your life. Everyone faces such struggles in their...

The Secret of Success in life

Hello Friends, Everyone thinks success is about earning money, living in a huge house, or buying the car which worth so much, but in reality success comes in many forms and one such is that real success is when you can go to sleep peacefully and with satisfaction. People nowadays are so busy running to earn money and eventually forgetting to live a little. Life is counted by the moments you lived and not by the things you have. In this generation, many people are running after earning money, well it is not wrong on...

How to stop comparing yourself to others!

Everybody faces one thing in there life often where they think they are not good enough for specific things. Are you the one who compares yourself to others? Sometimes we often compare ourselves to others. We may feel that we are not as amazing as other people, or when we loose something and someone gains it, then we may eventually feel lesser than them. Always remember, everyone is unique and we all are creations of God. Its time we stop comparing ourselves to others. If you are a person who compares yourselves to others, then we will tell...

When you sacrifice so much…

When you sacrifice so much for others, they end up sacrificing you for others.                                                                                            – MURSHITHA MANSOOR NASIFF Hello everyone, So recently i was wondering how to make your day better by my words, well here I am. We all face so many problems in life, and guess what? It is the problem that built us. When we face so many problems, we end up learning so much from them and that improves us as a person as well as...

Recovering from Postpartum Depression…

Motherhood, a beautiful and enjoyable phase in every women’s life. A women goes through many pain emotionally as well as physically to bring a child into this world. There are many women who goes through depression in the first year of child birth, these depression are often called postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a depression where people are affected by mood disorders after the child is born. Some of the symptoms of postpartum depression includes lower energy, anxiety, sadness, irritation, crying and changes in eating...

How to take negative feedback like a Champ!

In life, the people we meet are those who definitely teach us many things. Some people shows us how to be a better person while some shows us what kind of people we should never be. There are some people in life we meet who makes sure to give negative feedback in everything we do, and those kind of people are those who make us a better person, because when they give negative comments it helps us to get better with yourself and  helps us to be more better in everything we do. When a person gives you a negative comment, understand, there are...