Tag - Emotions

Top 10 Things You Must Do To Live Your Life Positively

Life is very short. There should be no space for hate, negativity because they will not let you to be peaceful. It is important to live your life happily as well as positively. Being positive builds a person and his character. We have only one life, and you need to live it as positively and happily and set yourself as a guide to the younger generations. Here are the top 10 things you can do to live your best life, staying happy and positive. Spend Time With Your Loved Ones: There are two types of people we must spend our time with, one...

The Complete Guide to Understand your Emotions.

Hello everyone, Emotions plays an important role in our daily life. Sometimes when we are happy, we finish a huge task as quick as possible and sometimes when our mood is not well, then even going for a walk seems like a toughest task. Our emotions basically control everything about us. Emotions also affect the relationship with others. Its because of your emotions sometimes you look sad when you supposed to smile. The emotions control you and sometimes it makes you look unbalanced with your life. Everyone faces such struggles in their...