Tag - Dont Compare

Demotivators: Do not Read this Post

Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do. You know what you can do. Its you who can build yourself and Succeed on every step you take. People can judge you without knowing who you are very easily. Its you who know about you. When you work really hard towards your goal, you can achieve it. Sometimes your success gets postponed, but it does not mean you will not succeed. When it takes time to get your success, people will eventually bring negativity indicating you cannot succeed on your passion, but remember others cannot tell...

How to stop comparing yourself to others!

Everybody faces one thing in there life often where they think they are not good enough for specific things. Are you the one who compares yourself to others? Sometimes we often compare ourselves to others. We may feel that we are not as amazing as other people, or when we loose something and someone gains it, then we may eventually feel lesser than them. Always remember, everyone is unique and we all are creations of God. Its time we stop comparing ourselves to others. If you are a person who compares yourselves to others, then we will tell...