Tag - depression

Your Mental Health is as Important as Your Physical Health

Mental health is as important as physical health. In life, we all face so many issues and problems, and what matters the most is how we react to it. Ask yourself once in a while, Are you happy mentally, and emotionally? Focus on making yourself happy often. Living your life with stress can make things worse. Remember, you need to take care of yourself more than any one else can take care of you. In this tough quarantine time, I have seen lots of people talking about stress and anxiety, and it really worries me to see many people struggling to...

Recovering from Postpartum Depression…

Motherhood, a beautiful and enjoyable phase in every women’s life. A women goes through many pain emotionally as well as physically to bring a child into this world. There are many women who goes through depression in the first year of child birth, these depression are often called postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a depression where people are affected by mood disorders after the child is born. Some of the symptoms of postpartum depression includes lower energy, anxiety, sadness, irritation, crying and changes in eating...