Tag - being positive

How to Stay positive when loosing Weight

Weightloss, Many people want to try it in today’s world. Almost everyone is interested on loosing weight and being fit. It is necessary to stay active and be on the correct BMI to have a healthy lifestyle. Some of the facts from WHO (World Health Organization): In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 650 million were obese.Most of the world’s population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight.Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since...

Comparison: Pain of a Human

People are so quick to judge you and make you feel less important. No matter what you do, you will never be good enough for people. The more you come up in life, the more people will try to bring you down. When you face criticism from people, it is important to handle them successfully than being sad about it. When people think you have achieved more than them, that is when they will try to make you feel sad by comparing you with others and make you feel depressed. Stop comparing yourself with other people because everyone has a different...

7 Ways to be Positive Person

Being positive and spreading positivity is the most important daily routine we must need to follow. The world needs more positivity and happiness especially in these tough times. Everyone is facing some sort of struggle in their everyday life. Some may struggle through their personal life while some may struggle through their professional life. Never judge a person instead think twice on why someone is behaving strangely with you. It is the duty of everyone to be kind to each other and appreciate each other efforts. It is easy to say...