When Chemicals Joins Your Food!

Have you ever thought of eating chemicals on everyday life? How would it feel when you eat chemicals everyday? Well, the answer is simple, we are eating chemicals on a daily basis. It is mixed on the foods you eat everyday. Yes, there are chemicals in vegetables, and fruits as well. Many people are now aware of the danger that is being associated with the chemical pesticides and are trying to adopt to the organic way, but there are still many people who are not ready to go organic way of eating. It is also important to avoid the vegetables and fruits which are sprayed with pesticides heavily.

Many people especially children are facing many health issues because of the foods they eat these days. What can be the better option to change this? well to be honest, there is no way we can stop these issues but there are certainly many ways we can reduce and avoid such foods and stay healthy. Life is short, so it is essential to live healthy. You should know that eating foods with the traces of pesticides is seriously bad for your health because many research have been now confirmed that pesticides can harm us in many serious ways which can affect our brain and nervous systems and leads to heavy illness.

We may say we are on a healthy diet and all, but in today’s reality, when we consume fruits and vegetables, we are also consuming harmful pesticides. Non-organic farmers spray synthetic pesticides on their crop which eventually kills the weeds and the insects, but those toxic will also go to the growing plants which absorbs such pesticides and even after washing them, it comes to your plate! You can eat more of organic products but since organic is more expensive, you can go for choices. Buy more of organic vegetables and fruits which can have more pesticides like strawberries and apple and then you can buy more of Pineapple and Avocado without organic. Always remember to wash your fruits and vegetables. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables are good for your health, so make the choice today to protect yourself and your family.

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