Category - Blog

Things to do to Rise above Failure and Succeed in Life!

In life, everyone wants success. Few people work very hard to succeed while few dream of success but end up in a situation where they do not get succeed. You need to work hard and spend time with your passion in order to attain success. It takes time, hard work, dedication, sacrifices to achieve in your life. When you set a goal for yourself, ask your self that are you ready to put your effort into this and work for your goal? Always remember to face multiple failures when you want to attain long term success. Failure makes you to learn...

Patience Makes a Person Perfect!

A person becomes perfect when he knows that being patience will take him to many places. No matter what happens in life, it is important to stay calm. When life pulls you down, make a smile, and challenge life that your patience is much worth than your problems. There is no life without problems and sadness, but with proper patience you can win the problems. Life is not what happens to you, but what you make it through in spite of the problems you face. Where there is patience, there is a person who have achieved through many things. Some days...

Your Mental Health is as Important as Your Physical Health

Mental health is as important as physical health. In life, we all face so many issues and problems, and what matters the most is how we react to it. Ask yourself once in a while, Are you happy mentally, and emotionally? Focus on making yourself happy often. Living your life with stress can make things worse. Remember, you need to take care of yourself more than any one else can take care of you. In this tough quarantine time, I have seen lots of people talking about stress and anxiety, and it really worries me to see many people struggling to...

Forgiveness After Betrayal!

Betrayal is one of the worst pain a person may go through. The pain from betrayal is worst than physical pain. The pain of betrayal makes you feel alone and you may not be sure what to do after a person betrays you. This is where you should believe in god and pray. There are million ways to make the person who betrayed you feel below than you, and the first way for that is Forgiveness. No body is perfect in this world. Every one have done mistakes. Some mistakes are small while the others are big. Everyone must understand that forgiving is the...

Confidence is The Key To Success!

           The Key to succeed in life is to have a higher confidence on yourselves. Wouldn’t be an amazing feel to live the life of your dreams and desires? Every human must have a dreams for themselves. In order to achieve your dream, you must have confident on yourself. No matter who says what, it is your life, so have a confidence on yourself and start following your dreams. People may judge you, but what you think about you is what that is going to take you to places. You may have various doubts on...

Social Medias and The Effects of it!

Everyone is interested on Social media in their life. People use social media everyday and some are even addicted to it. Some earn from them and some uses them for fun. One point or other, many people like youngsters are addicted to Social medias. It is never bad to use social networking sites, but people should know to manage the time wisely, but instead many are spending too many times on it and eventually forgetting their duty. Social medias are making students to earn lesser marks. Sometimes, we often see people posting about their...

Poverty and Injustice!

Life is a pleasure for many, but for some people, every minute is painful. Everyone faces sadness at some point in their life, but for people who faces poverty, every minute is a struggle. The worry to feed their family is much more for them than anything else. People struggle everyday to feed their family, their kids. For some people, three times meal is still a dream. Rich people are getting everything they need and wasting their money while there are people who are struggling to get their basic needs. The world have enough money...

Tips for Immediate Stress Relief!

Stress, is something that all of us face in our everyday situations. Some stress are long term while some are short term. Stress causes us depression and make us loose our happiness. Remember, whether it is minor or major issues, stress is a part of life. You cannot stop things from happening in life, but you can definitely control how you can react to it. Here are the tips you can do to control your stress and get immediate relief. Pray as much as you can and believe, you will eventually feel better. Praying is the powerful as well as best...

How To Overcome Negativity

Being positive in every circumstances is a blessing. Sometimes we don’t feel as much of positive than we used to. We are humans after all, and we are here to correct our mistakes. Every human makes mistakes and it is all about how we change ourselves and move on positively. Negativity is dangerous because when we start having negative thoughts, then we may end up being one, so its always good to remove negative thoughts and live a positive life. Lets talk about how to overcome negativity and live a happy life. When you feel like you...

How Successful People Tackle Mondays!

Monday, the start of the week. Mondays are too tired and many feel exhausted to get back to their routine life after a weekend. Mondays are hard for many people simply because they spend weekends with relaxing and it is hard to get back to work after a short break. Very few look forward for Monday while many feel lesser motivation. Sometimes it is hard to get out of your comfort zone, but as a working person, it is a mandatory to start your work per the needed time. Here, let me tell you some quick tips on how to tackle Mondays and start your...