Your Mental Health is as Important as Your Physical Health

Mental health is as important as physical health. In life, we all face so many issues and problems, and what matters the most is how we react to it. Ask yourself once in a while, Are you happy mentally, and emotionally? Focus on making yourself happy often. Living your life with stress can make things worse. Remember, you need to take care of yourself more than any one else can take care of you. In this tough quarantine time, I have seen lots of people talking about stress and anxiety, and it really worries me to see many people struggling to find happiness in their life.

This pandemic is really an emotional as well as financial struggles for many, and we are facing so much of stress and often felt lost. I feel that we need to be kind to each other no matter what in times like this. At the same time, people are comparing each other’s social media life and thinking struggling is only for them in tough times like this, but it is not true, everyone is having struggles in one way or other, and life in social media is NOT same as life in real life, and we should understand this and be kind to each other in all circumstances. Believe that everything will be normal soon. No matter who we are or what we do, everyone faces struggle in their life.

Help each other everyday, but especially in this tough time, try to do it little more. Do not compare your life with anyone else. Everyone is struggling, but soon everything will get better. Take care of your health physically as well as emotionally. Control your depression by doing the things you enjoy. Find the passion and choose a hobby, learn something new, talk to your loved ones, spend time with your family. I have learnt so many things in this Quarantine and one of them was NEVER to take things for granted, everything we get in life is surely a blessing. I also learnt more on being patience, handling pressure, Managing time, and on how to deal with stress.

This is the time to let go of depression. Work on yourself to let go of depression. Have faith in God and everything will become normal. Pray as much as you can which gives peace of mind to you as well as your environment. Also, remember everyone is NOT perfect, we all make our mistakes, so do not let your past mistakes to trouble your present. Share what is bothering you to a close friend or family. If you are feeling work pressure, create a to do list and work on yourself on managing your time. Every minute is precious, so please do not waste your time with focusing on things you cannot control, just go ahead with your passion and everything will settle as time goes. Do not loose yourself, just like your physical health, your mental health is also important. Take of your mental health and you will be a happiest person.

Thank you for reading this. I really hope you feel better in this tough time by reading this just like how i felt while writing this. These are just few of my thoughts in this pandemic, once again, Thank you so much for the support.


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