Reminder: Love yourself!

Hello everyone, Hope everyone is doing well. It is almost a year end and we sure have done many things over this year which might have made us and have broke us. There are things which everyone would have smiled and definitely there are things which have made us sad. There would have been joy, sorrow, anger, depression, enjoyment and many more things people would have experienced over the year. And now most importantly you shall understand that no matter what, you must learn to love yourself. There might have been some reason that you may have not liked yourself for some mistakes you have done, but you should understand that loving yourself is much important to love those around you. If you are not happy with yourself then who will be happy by the things you do and the things you may not do.

There are three rules to follow in life about loving yourself. Firstly, in order to love yourself, you must understand that everyone make mistakes in life and that the mistakes you do are part of life. Secondly, understand that no one is perfect in life, and you can be perfect only if you have the ability to love and understand yourself. Thirdly, Forgive yourself, do not dislike yourself, do you know anyone in life who never did any wrong? Everyone deserves forgiveness at some point in their life, but what matters the most is, it is you who needs to forgive yourself. Hence, the key to love yourself is to Accept Yourself, Admit no one can be perfect, and Forgive yourself.

Past can only be accepted, and it surely cannot be changed. Accept the past. Remember to stay true to yourself and to those around you. Being true is rare these days, there are people who act they are true, and get good name, but there are some who speak the truth yet their good habits are not noticed by others. People always finds reason to blame you, so if you are true to yourself, at least, you yourself would not blame yourself and you get the satisfaction that you are true which will eventually make you love yourself. In today’s world, a single mistake will be spoken much about you than the thousand good things you do. You can never please everyone you meet, because when their demand changes, then the place they have for you does too.

People’s expectation on you changes as per their needs and wants, and definitely you cannot change every time they changes their mind, so it is important to be yourself. When you are yourself, you can understand who really means to stay in your life. After all, relations are not measured by the way you behave but by the love you give to yourself and others. Respecting yourself is also much important when it comes to love yourself because respect is the must you should give to you and to those around you and you deserve such respect back as well. Remember, whatever happens, learn from it, and accept it. Love yourself, because when you do, then you know what is your worth and you shall never be disappointed.

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